Using Google Alerts to Monitor Your Reputation Online

With today’s swiftly moving technology, it’s increasingly difficult to keep on top of all the new social networks, review sites, and search engines. When trying to see what has been said about your business on these websites, it’s downright difficult and time consuming to check each site manually. If you consider that a new wall post can be made at any time of the day or a customer is more likely to leave a review after a negative experience, it’s necessary to continually check those same websites, where your business’ reputation exists, over and over again. If you’re anything like me, you are probably thinking “there has to be a more efficient way”! Google Alerts to the rescue! Google Alerts allows anyone with a Google account to monitor the latest relevant Google results of search queries (like the ones you type into by creating an Alert and having Google do the work for you! Alerts can be used to monitor a developing news story, keeping current on a specific competit...