How Can Infographics Enhance Your Social Media Marketing?

Do you want to do something different to enhance your Social Media? Do you know Visual Marketing is one of the favorites for the audience? Well, Infographics is the answer for both questions.

Infographics are used to show important data with graphics. People love to know the real facts, and they don’t want to read a page. Infographics offers solutions to the audience. Visual content is highly effective since people prefer a good image or video.

To create an appealing image that is rich in data will bring your Social Media far into the future.

Therefore, use Image Alt Attribute (ALT Tag) rich in keywords to improve your rank on the search engines, select attractive colors, and eye-catching images to show the facts of the industry.

An image will deliver for your brand a story faster than any text. Infographics are a mix of both images and text. When you start to regularly post infographics, you will have an audience waiting for your next posting. It’s important to know the objective of your infographic. Choose a theme that you want to target and ask yourself: What do I want to get out of this infographic?
  • Do you want to be well known as an information source?

  • Do you want to rank better in the search engines?

  • Do you want to get leads?

  • Do you want to get more followers?

  • Do you want that the audience shares your content?
You are thinking, “Oh, it is a lot”, now you are getting annoyed with all these questions. Relax and stay focused! Let's do one thing at a time.

First, you need a story that relates with infographics. Then you will start to craft. For example: I write about Internet Marketing in the Self-Storage Business. The infographics I crafted are related to the niche, such as Mobile phone use in the U.S., Why? Because I want to educate my audience about how important it is to have a Mobile Site for their Business. My company offers a Responsive Web Design (caters to both Desktop and Mobile) and other services. But I am not selling any services. I’m just providing information and I frequently use infographics.

Now, you have the answer to the questions above. The objective of the infographics is all I mentioned earlier:
  • Inform

  • Get leads

  • Get Shares

  • Get Likes

  • Rank on the search engine

  • Get followers.
You will get all of this if you know what your audience likes. This will allow you to craft the right infographic for them. Using keywords you know people are typing in the Search Engines will get you better ranking. Moreover, providing important information and real data, you will be known as an informative source. This will also generate credibility and trust for your business. People will share your content because it’s being helpful for them. The audience will “Like” your content and finally leads will begin to come.

If you follow all these tips that have worked for me, and wait, your audience will start to engage through infographics. Chances are your audience will stay with you. As you know, good things take time.

“Social Media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you”
-Matt Goulart-


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