4 Tips On How to use Facebook Fan Page For Your Business

By Karina Tama

Facebook is The Biggest Social Media Outlet. Facebook has over 1.1 billion users. Promoting a Facebook Fan Page for Business is not an easy task. Are you having difficulties engaging the audience in your Facebook Business Page? A Facebook Fan Page can give you results, but you need to have a Facebook marketing plan.

First, you need to establish your audience. It’s important to know who they are. Remember Facebook is not LinkedIn. That's why you have to have a Facebook marketing plan. When you are clear about where your audience is, you can begin the process on how to go to get them. Therefore, understanding your audience is important to succeed. You can use your database or keywords. Also, you can look for them in groups. Use Facebook Insight, and Google Analytics to track the engagement.

Second, analyze deeply the content you will post on your Facebook Fan Page. You should ask yourself, what is my audience interested in? With the Facebook Insight and Google Analytics you can have a clear idea about the age, demographic, etc. Then, based on the feedback, you can craft the content for them.

Next, once you are sure about the kind of content your audience is interested in, then you have to find out what time they are connected. Facebook Insight is a great tool that will show you the times your audience is online. Therefore, post your content when they are connected so that they can read and share it.

Finally, after a couple of months, evaluate your work. Run Google Analytics and Facebook Insight to see the results that you are getting. First get trust with your valued content. Once you are seen as an expert, then you can post some ads here and there. Marketing takes time and Facebook is a great platform when it’s used in the right way.

"Don't Facebook your problems, Face Them".


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