Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing?

By Karina Tama

Today, everything has gone global. That’s why Internet Marketing plays an important role in any business. Your business needs Social Media Marketing in order to inform, engage, generate leads, and acquire new customers.

First, people are looking for solutions not for products. Now, Customers are trusting peer recommendations. Your business has to inform the audience about how your products or services work. Social Media is the best way to do it because traditional marketing will not reach out to all people. Internet Marketing does do this by using Social Media outlets. Therefore, you will get your audience updated about your business.

Second, using Social Media and its tools, will engage your audience through different Social Media Outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. Facebook is the biggest Social Media outlet. It has 1,310,000,000 billion active monthly users. Facebook gives you a huge exposure for your business. Twitter with 645,750,000 million active monthly users and its hashtags algorithm represents a great opportunity for your business to be found. Any hashtag you want to use will empower your business’ keywords. Moreover, YouTube is a powerful tool since videos are one of the favorites for people when they are looking to solve their problems. You can post Explaining Videos where you can show a digital version of the problem that your potential customer has. It will show how your products or services will help. Every single outlet has its role. Social Media is a must for any business. It will give you authority, brand recognition, and keep customers updated.

Last but not least, when you have your audience defined and you keep it informed, it is time to get results. Marketing efforts will give you results in a medium to long time frame. I will recommend boosting your postings through giveaways, free eBooks, free consultations, etc. Then your audience will get engaged through these prizes and give you their information. Emails are the leads that you will use to run an email campaign. Now is the time to make the sale.

I’m sure now you understand why Social Media is important for your business. Adding Social Media to your marketing efforts will give you great results. Don’t be anxious about the sales! You need to understand that Social Media is a facilitator of information and interaction between your business and your audience. Be happy to be out there, people will start to see your business name everywhere. Then sales will come.

“Marketing is about telling good stories. Social Media Marketing is about getting your customers to tell them for you”
-Corey Eridon-


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